Reconnect. Empower. Inspire.

Reconnecting Indigenous Youth to the Land, Language & Ceremonies

Bringing the children back to the traditional ways so that they can be grounded in their identity

Our Services

Land Reconnection

Reconnect to the land through traditional practices

Language Revitalization

Learn and preserve the Indigenous language for cultural preservation

Ceremonial Teachings

Understand and practice ancestral ceremonies and teachings

Our Story

Kiishkimansi is dedicated to helping Indigenous children reconnect with their heritage and culture.

Founded to address the need for cultural grounding and healing in First Nations youth.


Cultural Reconnection

Reconnect to the land, language, and ancestral ways for cultural strength


Healing & Education

Empowering children with the skills to thrive in the modern world


Community Impact

Building a sustainable economic base for the Trout Lake community

Why Choose Us

Enhanced Well-being

Improving health, education outcomes, and reducing recidivism rates

Cultural Strength

Teaching sacred traditions and rites of passage for a grounded identity

Its Fun

Wide variety of Activities


Join Us in Healing

Take the first step towards cultural reconnection and healing for Indigenous children and youth today.

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